Online Psychological Assessments and Professional Reports

Our psychological assessments are used for many reasons whether you are curious about your personality type, you think you have a mental health problem or learning difficulty that has gone undiagnosed and need to find an effective way forward, or you are a professional that needs a test for a client for legal reasons or other, we can help you!
If you require an assessment and are local to us, we offer all of our clients an initial consultation session, you can ask for a more comprehensive assessment and in-depth report when booking, or any time throughout your therapy if you wish. Alternatively if you only require the test initially or you aren't local to us you can cut out the middle man and complete your assessment in the comfort of your own environment via our gold standard, web based platform that is secure, confidential and affordable. We are proud to be able to offer and provide our services locally across the north-east, UK and Worldwide!
All psychological assessment tests will be sent within 24hours upon receipt of purchase, upon completion of your assessment we aim to provide the report within 7 working days. The report will provide a diagnosis (where one is clear) and treatment recommendations. If you are local to us you can choose to stay with Norfolk Clinic for treatment or we will sign post you to relevant services or you can go back to your GP to get the right treatment/ medication that you may need. If you would like to know more information, take a look at our psychological assessment list (Click Here)and on the links below.
Alternatively you can head to the web store where there are a full list of assessments that you can purchase straight away.
If you wish to speak to us directly give us a call on 0191 5102228 or click here to request more information.

What we can offer:
Online Psychological Assessment Tests and Professional Reports
and one to one Consultation
with full in depth Personality Profile, DMS-IV-TR Diagnostic
Psychological Assessment and In-depth Report £285
Psychological Assessment and Brief Report £185
Are you fascinated in the Human Mind as much as we are?
Then this is for you!
Have you done a free Online Test elsewhere but would like to know more, We at Norfolk Clinic can help you by providing and in-depth Professional Psychological Report
From as little as:
brief profile reports from £45
In-depth profile reports and interpretive written assessments/reports
as priced: £65 / £185 /£285
If you like to gain a better understanding of yourself and how your mind works on a behavioural and cognitive level?
Intrigued by your personality type?
Been suffering from unwanted thoughts/ideas that you would like to understand and find a treatment to help?
Norfolk Clinic can provide the right confidential assessment and report tailored to you through our gold standard web based platform, that's right you can do it in your own time, in the comfort of your own home/ environment, anywhere across the world! It's totally secure and affordable!
Learning more about your personality can create a new perspective on how you think and behave, freeing yourself from those unwanted thoughts and allowing you to create a life you've always desired!
With the right treatment and support change can happen fast!
So why not take the first step today, invest in yourself and take yourself on a journey of self-discovery!
To see a list of our Psychological Assessments and a description of what they are and how much they cost Click Here. By clicking the link You can also Request your selected professional assessment test(s) and report(s) by filling out the form provided. Or if you know exactly what Assessment Test you need Click Here to go to Web Store to select correct assessment from the drop down menu and complete payment.
Alternatively for more information you can call us on 0191 5102228
We endeavour to provide assessment questionnaire(s) to you within 24 hours, but ask you to allow up to 48 hours for receipt of your in-depth professional report.